Interesting article, very upbeat, which is a pleasure. Not sure it's really been true of the PC party most of my life (I go back to Stanfield but I was a child). Maybe briefly under Hamm. Certainly not Teflon John Buchanan!

Houston has shown an ability to change his mind, but so far not (at least since Owl's Head) when it comes to protecting the environment. Coastal protection? Preserving wetlands? Forests? Supporting public transit instead of building new highways? Building code which results in lower carbon construction? Nada.

Without a habitable planet we have no future either as species or individuals.

Moderate reform is simply not going to cut it in the 21st century, and so far no viable political party in Nova Scotia, perhaps the PCs least of all, has acknowledged that we're about to go over the edge.

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I've worked full time plus on these issues of wildlife, woods, and waters for over 15 years now. And for the last three on the frontline of building and construction. I see it going better than you imagine in a difficult situation. I've written about it here.


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